MAP Community Contributor Grants Program

:blue_heart: Thanks to MAP member rabbit_11bit taking the initiative to push MAP’s marketing efforts and to help MAP grow its community. As the proposal has passed the on-chain voting, now the MAP Community Contributor Grants Program is ready to sail :sailboat:!

Program Overview


  • Educate the community and drives growth with producing quality content/artwork
  • Incentivize contributors to participate with MAP in areas of marketing, community, and development.
  • Engage with community and onboard new community member to MAP Protocol

What is Contributor Grant?

  • The task that contributors arbitrarily can participate in and earn a reward.
  • Some need professional skills, some need effort.

The Rewards

  • Rewards will be determined by the difficulty level of the topic and the quality of the submitted content.

5 Steps to Receiving a Grant

Submission Requirements

  • Contributors must be a $MAP token holder (no amount limit)
  • Work must be visible to everyone.
  • Content must be accessible by a url.
  • Content can not give financial advice, promote the purchase of NFTs,Gambling, or Specific Tokens.
  • Titles should be catchy and honest, not clickbaits.

Rewards Criteria

:sparkles: Surprise us with your creativity! But here are a few selection criteria considerations:

  • Unless it’s a translation project, English is preferred language for creating MAP content.
  • Copy & pasted content will not be accepted for rewards.
  • Impact of the proposed research output.
  • Quality of work and experience of the research team.
  • Clarity, conciseness and organization of the content.
  • Contribution to the wishlist areas.
  • Potential of long-term involvement in the MAP ecosystem.
  • Analyses or visualizations that help a non-technical audience gain insight into the research.

Topics to Cover

:star2: Below are the topics you can choose to cover for your video/ article/ infographic/ AMA/ podcast… You are more than welcome to some up your original take about MAP Protocol!

  1. What is MAP Protocol? What makes it valuable for the growth of Web3 and blockchain?
  2. What is MAP Protocol’s unique value?
  3. What is Omnichain? How is it different from cross-chain and multichain? (must mention MAP Protocol)
  4. How is MAP Protocol different than LayerZero?
  5. How is MAP Protocol different than Polkadot, Cosmos
  6. What is light-client? What makes it safer than other cross-chain solutions?
  7. Why dApps should deploy on MAP Protocol?

… Come up your own take about MAP Protocol


Next Steps and Support

For any general support question or details of your submission, please reach out to us in Discord.

Ready to Apply?

Submit Here :seedling:

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